Small livestock activity at St Monica, Lesotho

On Saint Monica’s farm, in order to diversify resources for young people, a small livestock farming activity has also been set up. Herewith, around twenty hens raised in open air and ten sheep were acquired thanks to the support of The Ivory Foundation.

The small breeding allows to bring additional financial resources to the farm. For exemple, they will be able to sell wool from the sheep once a year and sell newborn lambs of 10 sheep and 3 goats. It correspond to 2 or 3 lambs per year.

By maintaining a herd at a constant workforce, the sale of these animals could be a significant way to have funds.

The hens will bring the eggs to feed the young farmers. The number of hens will be increased rapidly to allow the sale of surplus production and generate additional resources.

Rabbits will also be purchased to bring meat for the young farmers.

The idea of ​​this project is to enable young people to achieve self-sufficiency, by harvesting on a small space, market gardening, cereal cultivation, and fodder to feed animals.

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